Posts tagged “Doctor Octopus

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Venom Theory

I was watching the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series last night  and it got me in the mood to rewatch the Amazing Spider-Man movie from last year. While watching it though some dots started to connect in my head.


There was a moment where Peter is running from the police and, after being shot, leaves behind a bloody handprint. According to the Ultimate tv series, Venom is a symbiote created by Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man’s DNA. This handprint could very well be the source of this DNA if recovered by Oscorp.

Dane Dehaan recently was announced to play Harry Osborn, the likely man to become the beast. According to the Ultimate series, Harry becomes Venom and later has trouble getting away from it. Dehaan was excellent in Chronicle and would be an excellent tormented young monster!

The rumor began to look more concerte after director Marc Webb tweeted a picture to Dane Dehaan for his birthday, revealing a lab locker that looks very similar to the one containing Venom in the Ultimate Universe. We’ll see how this plays out!